辛驰密封 | 新泽西州月桂山市罗兰大道23b号,08054 | 电话:+852-61262671


Chocolate Manufacturer In California

Success Story For Chocolate Manufacturer In California

Work Smarter & Save Money – Convert from Packing to a Split CinchSeal!


A chocolate manufacture in Northern California who was using mechanical Teflon packing was leaking enough chocolate from a mixing tank to fill a 55 gal. drum daily.

That 400 lbs. of waste at .20¢ per lb adds up to a staggering $29,200 per year.


Customer installed two split OFX CinchSeals on their chocolate holding tank. The $4,200 investment has eliminated all chocolate loss due to leakage and has saved the customer tens of thousands of dollars on lost product and maintenance costs. Be smart and switch to CinchSeal.

Ask about our complete line of rotary shaft seals for screw conveyors, bucket elevators, crushers, Dodge direct drive adapters, rotary air locks, ribbon blenders and paddle mixers, and many other pieces of rotating equipment.